Monday, May 9, 2011

7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss

A 7 day diet plan for weight loss gives you a week's time to eat preplanned meals. Following a rigorous diet regime, people opt for this diet plan to lose as much weight as possible. Keep reading to find out how...

What is a 7 day diet plan? A healthy weight loss program where the diet focuses on eating right, mainly fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and fish. A strong concentration is kept on exercise and the consumption of alcohol, aerated drinks, and junk foods are eliminated. We all know that in order to lose weight and bring our life back on a healthier track, it's vital that healthy living habits are adopted. Instead of eating foods and consuming beverages filled with unhealthy fat content and unnecessary calories, eating healthy foods is preferred. This way, a person can easily reshape their mind, body, and soul.

But among these weekly diet plans, the cabbage soup diet is one of the more popular diet regimes followed by many fitness enthusiasts. But you may be wondering what this plan is and how can someone use the 7 day diet plan to
lose weight? The weight loss program is divided into 7 days, each day comprising of a set menu. In the following article, we will be concentrating on the cabbage soup diet. The foods included in those days are supposed to be followed to the tee, no distractions or substitutes, and stopped after the seventh day is over. Below we will learn in more detail about this diet plan.

Cabbage Soup Diet

The first 7 day diet plan for weight loss is the
cabbage soup diet. As the name suggests, the diet is a challenging weight loss method where you literally put your health and body through a radical change. Why? Because here for an entire week's time, you will only consume a specific 7 day diet menu. The diet is designed in such a way that it motivates burning fat. The combination of foods that are to be consumed each day have a jumpstart effect on your body so that it can 'wake up' and help you lose weight.

cabbage soup diet for weight loss lets you drink as much soup as you like since it is low in calories. But don't worry, the recipe isn't just boiled cabbage leaves in water with salt and pepper. To make this diet work and keep people motivated, the cabbage soup diet recipe includes other fresh vegetables that are low in calories such as onions, green peppers, green beans, celery, tomatoes, etc. By adding various herbs and spices, you can make several variations so that the soup doesn't bore you for the entire week. Each day, you can make a different flavored soup to satisfy your taste buds. Apart from the soup, let's look at the table below to see what the other foods in the 7 day diet plan to lose weight are.

Days of the Week
Foods Allowed
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • Fresh fruits, except bananas
  • Water
  • Black coffee
  • Tea (unsweetened)
  • Cranberry juice
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • Fresh vegetables (cooked or raw)
  • Leafy vegetables
  • No beans, peas, or corn
  • Baked potato (dinner)
  • No fruits allowed
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • Fresh fruits, except bananas
  • Fresh vegetables (cooked or raw)
  • No baked potato (all day)
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • 8 bananas
  • Skim milk (unlimited)
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • 8 glasses of water
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 10-20 oz beef
  • Or, broiled/baked chicken (no skin)
  • Or, broiled fish
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • Fresh vegetables (unlimited)
  • 2-3 steaks (beef)
  • Baked potatoes, not allowed
  • Cabbage soup (unlimited)
  • Brown rice
  • Fruit juices (unsweetened)
  • Fresh vegetables (cooked or raw)

Throughout the week, you are not allowed to drink any kind of alcoholic beverages, aerated drinks, and diet sodas, or eat bread. Along with the benefits of quick weight loss, there are certain cabbage soup diet side effects which you should be aware of. Which is why, before you make the decision to begin the 7 day diet plan to lose weight, it's necessary to consult with your doctor. Given your medical history and current health condition, your doctor would be the best judge if you should or shouldn't go for this diet plan.

In order to
reduce weight in 7 days, often times people end up hurting themselves in the end. Which is why proper guidance is recommended when you're thinking of investing your time and health in this 7 day diet plan for weight loss program.

Finally, I would like to add that even though the 7 day diet plan for weight loss may seem like the
fastest way to lose weight in a week, it is not recommended for obese people or those who want to lose a considerable amount of weight. Our body doesn't work that way and if you pressure it into doing something it isn't comfortable with, you may end up making things worse

All You Want To Know About Diet Plans

For dieters even the small actions matter. Even though you may have heard of many easy diet plans, this do not mean that they are effective. Theory is known to be useless without real actions. You must be extremely careful while following these diet plans.

If you are gaining weight even after taking in calorie-free and healthy foods then you ought to be doing something that is not right. When following a diet plan, there are certain things you should keep in mind. Some among such important things are mentioned below.

Playing with your own psychology is the most important thing. Using a smaller plate can have a great impact on controlling your appetite. For those people who are following diet plans for weight loss that require them to consume less food, this can do wonders. Smaller plates will help in programming your mind. It will also help in evaluating the meal.

Dieting is misunderstood as food deprivation by many people. It only requires you to have moderation when it comes to food. The popular belief that skipping meals will help losing weight is actually a deadly myth. People who are planning to take up a diet plan should eat small meals regularly. Restricting the calories intake, more than a particular limit can have a destabilizing impact on your body.

You must stay focused on controlling your appetite. The most preferred way for doing so is to consume a heavy breakfast. This can help you in lessening the craving for food during the day and reduce the calorie dramatically. Eating fruits and vegetables is also mandatory when it comes to best diet plans. Consuming fruits and vegetables can help you to lose and avoid the extra weight from coming in. The main reason behind this is that these foods can help metabolism and avoid the human body from storing fat and dangerous toxins that result in fat build up from accumulating.

Water has the natural tendency to cleanse. It helps in removing the harmful substances from the body that results in the concentration of fat. Simultaneously, drinking water will also help you in controlling your appetite.

Maintaining a diet journal can be a great idea too. You must have this for monitoring your diet progress. This can help you in recording the daily activities and food items that have been effective. The aforementioned are the main things that should be kept in mind when you are planning to take up a good diet plan.

Today, there are a plethora of diet plans that are available, each of which offers individuasl with better and much more interesting opportunities to find out how they can get the results that they have long desired. What needs to be remembered is that due to the immense number of such diet plans in the market, it has become essentially important that all buyers find out how they can make the most of these plans to assist them with what they need. The best ways via which this can be achieved would be by scouting the market for the best of places that offer diet plans with special offers and discounts. Remember, to opt for the best ones only which have been accredited of providing genuine results. Once this can be achieved, individuals will be able to find results come to them effortlessly along with lower investment risks. Additionally, they will also benefit with no risks or side effects. It is hence best advised that buyers find out where they can get the best of these diet plans to help them out and get the results that they have long awaited for.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Stylish trendy clothes for fat women

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How you can  Lose 17 Pounds in
Just 6 Short Weeks
Stylish trendy clothes for fat women - Should fat women wear skimpy clothes? Why not if they want too, however let us rephrase the question to "do fat women look good in skimpy clothes." This would all depend on who you ask, but judging by survey, no is the answer. And it would be cruel to the obese to repeat the reasons given by people asked this question. Again, we could ask the same question about stick thin girls who's protruding bones makes their skeletal frame more visible if they wear skimpy clothes. There is always the solution of dieting to lose weight to get round this, but until you decide to follow a weight loss plan let us look at the style of clothes you can look great in if you're fat. The quick fix to an overweight problem and wanting to look slim is determined by style and colour of clothes.

Remember, stout or not, what you wear is entirely up to you!  Stylish trendy clothes for fat women will have you look fabulously trendy if worn with that all important accessory "confidence." You shouldn't dress to please other people. If you wear an outfit to keep others happy then you end up the unhappy one, who would you rather it is. If people make judgment on the clothes you wear they could be doing this because they feel you would look better dressed in something else. If criticism is constructive and comes your way from people who care then take on board what they have to say.

If you feel confident you can get away with pretty much anything, having said this, it all depends on who's looking on and ready to fire an onslaught of malicious jibes. You need to be your own person making your own decisions to what best suits you in your choice of stylish clothes for fat women. No more looking for reassurance asking those all familiar questions like, does my belly stick out in the dress? Or, do these pants make my bum look fat?

Is it a good thing to see you're self as pleasantly plump instead of fat. Yes in a way if it helps boost your confidence, however it's an easy way out of addressing the issue of being overweight. You have to recognize obesity to allow yourself to help yourself.

Stylish Trendy Clothes for Fat Women Tips

    Black is not the be all and end all for looking slim. Color and variety can help you look thinner. A monochromatic color that ideally matches your skin tone will have people drawn to your glowing face instead of belly ripples and big bum creases. Don't be afraid to experiment with color; the secret is to use one color in various tones and you have created a monochromatic look.

    Do you think that if you were taller it would make you look slim instead of fat? Well you're right you can by wearing trousers, jeans or pants that cover your shoes. Don't have them dragging on the floor as this is scruffy looking.
    Don't make the all time mistake of wearing clothes that are too tight in hope it will make you look slimmer…doing this will show every ripple of fat, and more you may not have realized you had. It is best to wear clothes that fit your body comfortably; neither oversized nor undersized.
    Oversized clothes worn by a plump woman (big and baggy) may well hide her imperfections she wants hidden, however it does no justice to her positive points. Big baggy clothes will have you appear larger and shapeless. Stylish clothes for fat women shouldn't include big T-shirts and blouses without any fitting, Forget skimpy clothes because these garments highlight the very things you want to hide.
    Too much material around the belly is not good fashion sense for the fat woman or man; Pants/skirts with pleats, elastic waist or string waists are only adding volume to your waistline.

Be careful with what you add to an outfit to dress it up. Accessories can work wonders, but they can also make you a laughing stock. Avoid wide belts, because it will draw attention to your fat stomach. If you have a double chin then necklaces can upset the apple cart so as to speak. Choose too wear long necklaces as opposed to short pieces and chokers.

Overweight small stout women want to look and feel good in what they wear. They want fashion that flatters their figure and is chic trendy and stylish at the same time. Fashion has changed considerably over the years for fat women where their choice in clothes was once limited to wearing boring tent dresses and stretchy, polyester pants. This is not the case now and about time too. Big women do have more choice today but want clothing items that are slimming. Some fashion companies although recognized the problem of plus size women have not done nothing about making clothes as fashionable and slimming, leaving the fat woman to resort back to wearing skimpy outfits.

Stylish Clothes That Don't Work

Everyone should be able to find jeans that fit them perfectly and flatter their figure. But, plus size women don't always have this option and have to realize they can't get away with wearing the same type of jeans as skinny women. Low-rise jeans are not plus size friendly. A small amount of cloth barely covering a mountain of flesh is ugly to look at.

Fashionable or not, stop right there if you're considering wearing a halter-top. Halter tops in fresh colors and patterns may look good on thin ladies but not a good choice for the overweight woman. Avoid cropped or cut-off tops, or even those that just reach the waist they are not appealing.

People come in all different shapes and size, not just width, but length as well, and this has to be taken into consideration when buying your clothes. Some fashions are just not meant to be worn by the fat woman, but this doesn't mean you can't be chic trendy and stylish in what other garments you wear.

I myself have never had a weight problem but can relate to them that do. Aside from cutting out fatty foods from your diet you need to "walk" more. I am living proof that walking works. My experience of weight loss happened on holiday in Florida. Although a place known for its steaks bigger than an English cow could produce, and tasty grits, not even eating these stopped me from shedding the pounds. I stayed on International Drive which was one of the yank's average roads that we in the UK would call a motorway. Every day I had to walk the walk to get to where I was going, and with no cafes with outside seating lining the road like you would see in the Costa's gave me a waistline I never dreamt was possible even after visiting every all you can eat restaurants.

There is no such thing as stylish clothes for fat women. Clothes are clothes regardless of style. Looking stylish is something you create e.g. what you compliment the garment with, jewelry etc, how you walk to how you cross your legs when sitting down. These are essential elements to practice if folk are to see you as fit instead of fat.

Did you ever wonder why slim women grace the front page of every glossy fashion magazine? Not wanting to make you feel worse than you do if your weight is an issue, but it's because they can wear the halter top, low waist jeans and neck chokers, and look fabulous.

7 Ways to Not Look Fat in a Swimsuit

Swimsuit shopping can be a nightmare.How to be more sexy when you are in the beach? 7 secrets for styles that make you look younger, slimmer, better toned.

  • Buy bigger. A common mistake is to go too small, especially with bikini or tankini bottoms. (Don't be distressed if you need a larger suit—swimwear often runs a size or two smaller than streetwear.)
  • Brighten up gradually. Although dark-skinned women can wear bold colors right away, paler types should start summer with a neutral like mocha or chocolate (less stark than black), working up to juicier shades as they get some sun.
  • Accentuate the positive. Put color and pattern where you want attention, dark solids where you don't.
  • Know your body. Each figure type imposes its own limits. Some helpful innovations: bikini tops with fixed cups (like a T-shirt bra for the beach) to support larger breasts, one-pieces with cutaway backs—they cover the stomach but look like sexy two-pieces from behind.
  • Psych up for trying on. Shop in the morning, on a relatively empty stomach; avoid bloat-prone days. Self-tanning beforehand makes women feel more confident, and arms and legs look slimmer.
  • Don't rush. Block out a few hours for shopping, and try on at least ten suits. If the changing room doesn't have a three-way mirror, leave.
  • Explore online options. Make sure the website has free returns so you can order several suits and sizes without risk—essentially, your home becomes your try-on room.
You are beautiful!!

How To Lose Face Fat

Here is a fact that you should take note of. What do you look at first when you meet somebody? You look at their face first, right? Imagine, you meet up with your ex, old friends, colleagues, or new friends, most of the time you will focus your attention on their faces first, it’s true? The point is that everybody do the same!
Imagine (again!), when you meet up with someone who you want to impress deeply on their memory, do you want they straight away notice your changes? A pretty or sexy face? If you just would flip through the magazines, the faces of the models are all very slim and well defined with high cheekbones, sharp nose and a lean face. You love it?
Well, since so many people is looking for the answer to lose fat in their faces, here is a couple of tips on how to lose face fat. But you have to know, if you are looking at a miracle, you can be disappointed! You have to be patient, nothing changed in one night! But ( of course!) you’ll surprise just in a month!
If you want to lose face fat, you have to begin with losing weight. This means losing excess water retention and also losing body fat. Usually, when a person loses weight, it is very noticeable that his face also gets sharper and leaner. Usually the face will slim down first because excess water is gone. Follow these simple steps to lose weight and you will get a lean, healthy and toned face.

Lose Face Fat Step 1: Drink lots of water.

You have to drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Drink at least nine 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Drink more than that if you are an active person and always exposed to the sun. The thing is our body has a natural protective system. When you do not drink enough water, the body will naturally think that you are stranded in a dessert and have not enough water. As a result, it will store as much water as it can to keep you living and there is when you will get bloated. Vice versa, if you drink enough water, the body will flush out all the unnecessary water because it knows that the system has enough water. Stick to plain water. Sodas and sugared drink would not help because they contain sugar and will lead to bloating too.

Lose Face Fat Step 2: Do not forget your fruits and vegetables!

Stay natural and eat at least three servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables every day. This will not only fill you up with less calories and help you stay way from junk food, fruits and vegetables also contains water that can help you stay hydrated. Plus, they are filled with fiber that gives many health benefits. Make your self a healthy fruit salad for snack instead of a chocolate bar. Choose your fruits carefully though; control the amount of bananas, grapes and pineapples because they are high in fructose. Go for apples, oranges, all sorts of berries and grapefruit because they are low GI carbs and they packed full with anti oxidants.
Lose Face Fat Step 3: Reduce the alcohol

It does not matter what alcohol you drink. Wine, brandy or beer, alcohol is still alcohol. Alcohol can cause a good amount of bloating in the body because it really dehydrates the body. It can also add inches in you belly and under your chin because one gram of alcohol contains seven calories! That is almost like drinking fat! A five ounce glass of wine has 100 calories, that means a little drinking a little bit can add inches in your waist.

Lose Face Fat Step 4: Bump up the calcium

A lot of studies have proven that taking at least 1200 milligrams of calcium from dairy if possible daily can help in fat loss. There is also a study that showed that half of the females in that study experienced reduced symptoms of PMS including water retention after consuming 1200 milligrams of calcium. So, do not eliminate dairy in your diet, have some in moderation.

Lose Face Fat Step 5: Calories out more than calories in.

This is the golden rule of fat loss. In order to lose weight, you have burn more calories than you consume. So, the easy and healthy way to do this is to burn 250 calories and reduce 250 calories from your food intake. The reason to reduce 500 calories a day is because we need to hit a reduction of 3500 calories a week and that will result to healthy recommended weight loss of one pound of body fat per week.
To burn 250 calories, just go for a simple walk or jog for 30 to 40 minutes. To reduce 250 calories, just eliminate all the junk food and excess fatty foods from your diet right now and I am sure you can reduce 250 calories. Eat healthy and eat with a mind to feed your muscles and body with good fuel!

Lose Face Fat Step 6: Control Your Salt Intake

Salt is another culprit of water retention. That is why when you snack with junk food that is high in sodium, you will feel every thirsty and your face will bloat up the next day. Avoid foods like pizza, burgers, junk food, chips and other similar foods because they are loaded with salt! When eating out, be careful of the gravy, some gravy use a lot of salt. Eat home and prepare your own food when ever possible! Sprinkle your salt, do not use your spoon, that way you can really control the amount of salt that goes into your food!
Lose Face Fat Step 7: Firm up the face
The best way to firm the double chin is to tap/slap the bottom of your chin with the back of your hand. For cheeks, you can suck in the cheeks and hold them for seconds. Relax and repeat the process at least ten times a day.
Lose Face Fat Step 8: Go For Weight Training

You have to weight train to maintain and increase lean muscle tissue. With more muscles packed in your body, your metabolism will increase and you can burn more calories and fat! Plus, with more muscles in your body, you can burn more calories while you do your cardio and even while rest because muscles are living tissues and require calories to function and survive! For optimum fat loss results and to lose fat on your face, you have to diet, do your cardio and also weight train.
So, if you want to lose fat on your face, the main objective is to lose weight. By losing body fat, you will look much leaner and have a much more cut features because fat and water under the skin is reduced.

So follow these simple steps and get on a fat loss program now. Mark my words; if you manage to lose body fat until your desired body fat, your face will look much leaner and thinner. Finally, do not forget: Patient!
Good luck!

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